Our Policies

COVID-19 Safety and Action Guide

The purpose of this plan is to help protect the health and reduce the risk of contracting COVID-19 for the athletes, coaches and families who in engage with Springfield FC during the Green Phase. This guide is based on information and in accordance with guidelines set by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), EPYS, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP), the Governor and Pennsylvania Department of Health

Read Full Guide Here

Concussion Information

In November of 2012, Eastern Pennsylvania Youth Soccer passed a policy endorsing the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Act 101, known as the "Safety In Youth Sports Act." The Policy on Concussion Procedure and Protocol mandates concussion education for everyone involved in our sport, including parents and players. This policy also mandates certification for all coaches. In addition, all member organizations must annually certify that they are compliant with the policy.

For critical information regarding concussions and traumatic brain injury, please check out the EPYSA resource center.

Off-Season Play

In an effort to support the year round soccer player in Springfield FC, it is possible that some travel teams will play year round. This includes winter leagues, spring leagues, state cups and off season tournaments. The following section outlines the rules that coaches must abide by when playing in any off season event or league that a Springfield Travel Soccer team enters. Off season is defined as any event or league that occurs outside the Fall Season (8/1 through 12/1 of the calendar year).

  1. All team members of the team must be offered first rights of refusal for entering into off season play. A coach may not choose only a select few for the team. Each member of the team is rostered with their team from August 1st until July 31st of the next calendar year. No member of the team may be dropped from a roster.
  2. In the event a team does not have enough rostered players to enter the league or event, the coach of the team must offer a member of another Springfield Travel player of the same age group or younger age group to fill a spot on the team for that particular event or league.
  3. Coaches will abide by the Playing Time guidelines that have been set forth in the Coaching Objectives/Playing Time policies of Springfield Soccer for all off-season events.
  4. For leagues that have a maximum roster guideline it may be necessary to split a team into two teams. It is recommended that two balanced teams are established and players can switch between teams as needed.
  5. If a team is short players for an off season tournament or league, after all Springfield players have been offered, the coach will be permitted to add a guest player from another club with the following stipulations:
    • The player must be another EPYSA registered travel player.
    • The player’s current team is not participating in the tournament or league.
    • A copy of the player card is submitted to the Travel Director for approval.
    • Permission is obtained from the other club’s coach or director. This can be in the form of an email or phone call to the appropriate travel director.

Failure of a coach or coaches to adhere to this policy will be grounds for termination of coaching privileges within the Springfield FC.

U.S. Soccer is Introducing a Stronger Policy to Protect Referees

We're asking everyone to do their part by knowing the rules, reporting referee abuse, and embodying behaviors that represent the best of us. Learn more about the U.S. Soccer Referee Abuse Program.